Food Safety Live 2013 – Webinar gratuito

< 1 min leitura

Para quem estiver disposto a uma maratona de informações sobre segurança de alimentos e dominar o inglês, uma ótima dica é se inscrever gratuitamente no Food Safety Live 2013, evento organizado pela International Food Safety and Quality Network que acontecerá no dia 26 de junho.

 As palestras cobrirão os seguintes temas:

Food Safety Culture – what does it mean?

Think outside the box for HACCP success

The global challenge of allergen management

Navigating the Path to Food Safety Certification

 Managing Food Safety: The Importance of Document Control

 Designing & Implementing a Robust Foreign Material Prevention Program

FSSC 22000 recent developments

Latest Developments of the US Food Safety Modernization Act: International Implications and Global Counterparts.

Introducing IFS PACsecure.

Most common non-conformances on GFSI benchmarked audits and how to avoid them.

Food Packaging Regulation in the U.S. and EU: Emerging Issues and Trends

Implementing SQF to improve and enhance your food safety system

Meeting the food safety needs of global food retailers & conference closing remarks


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Food Safety Live 2013 – Webinar gratuito

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Food Safety Brazil Org

CNPJ: 22.335.091.0001-59

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