Salmonella em alimentos de baixa atividade de água

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Sources and risk factors for contamination, survival, persistance, and heat resistance of Salmonella in low moisture foods

Richard Podolack at alli.

Journal of Food Protection vol 73, no 10.

Sources and risk factors for contamination, survival, persistence and heat resistance for Salmonella in low moisture foods are reviewed. Processed foods such as peanut butter, infant formula, chocolate, cereal products, and dried milk are characteristically low-water-activity-foods and do not support growth of vegetative pathogens such as Salmonella. Significant food safety risk might occur when contamination occurs after a lethal processing step. Salmonella cross-contamination in low moisture foods was traced to factors such as poor sanitation process, poor equipment design, and poor ingredient control. It is well recognized that Salmonella can survive for long periods in low water activity foods products. Although some die-off occurs during storage, the degree of reductions depends on factors such as temperature and product formulation. The heat resistance of Salmonella is affected by many factors, mostly by types and serotype tested, previous groth and storage conditions, the chemical and physical composition, test media and the media used to recover heat-damaged cells. Salmonella heat resistance generally increases with reducing moisture. Care must be taken when applying published D-and z values to specific food process. The product composition, heating medium and conditions should no be significantly different from the product and process parameters used by processors.

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Salmonella em alimentos de baixa atividade de água

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Food Safety Brazil Org

CNPJ: 22.335.091.0001-59

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