Links internacionais com muuuito sobre segurança de alimentos

4 min leitura

Manter a inspiração para escrever sobre segurança de alimentos às vezes não é fácil. Sou assinante e frequentadora de algumas revistas, blogs e portais de notícias que ajudam a toda a equipe de colunistas do blog Food Safety Brazil a garimpar temas que possam ser de interesse de nossos leitores. Todo conteúdo é gratuito!

Hoje concentro o mapa da mina de meus favoritos e o respectivo “About us”. Desculpe por não traduzir, mas entendo que se você tem interesse por conteúdos em língua inglesa, não irá se importar!

Food Safety News was founded in 2009 to fill a void.  At the time, both print and broadcast media were facing consolidation and budget cuts. Dedicated reporters on the food, health and safety beats were being reassigned or seeing their positions disappear altogether.

 Food Safety News will enter its 6th year of publication in September 2014.  Our reporters will continue to bring you outstanding coverage of topics ranging from policy and politics to foodborne illness outbreaks to sustainability, science and research. Your suggestions and comments help inspire us to dig deeper into food issues as we continue to expand our scope, audience, and impact on the dialogue around food in the world today.

Food Quality & Safety is a publication of Wiley. As one of the world’s foremost academic and professional publishers and the largest society publisher, Wiley publishes more than 1,400 scholarly peer-reviewed journals and an extensive collection of books, major reference works, databases, and laboratory manuals in print and electronically. Both Wiley and Food Quality & Safety have strong track records of leadership in editorial excellence. By introducing synergies with its sister publications within Wiley, Food Quality & Safetyhas strengthened its editorial content with unique access to peer-reviewed scientific content.

QA Magazine, a bi-monthly publication from GIE Media, is written for managers and professionals in the food and beverage processing industry with a specific focus on food safety, quality, and defense. Filled with practical insights and analysis of plant processes, practices, and current issues, the QA media family – including our print and digital publication, website, and e-newsletters – addresses the growing market need for targeted, information in these key areas.

Food Poisoning Bulletin is a Google news source for consumers to alert them to food recalls, food poisoning outbreaks and food safety news. Our goals are to empower consumers and make the United States food supply the safest it can be.

Food Poisoning Bulletin is sponsored by PritzkerOlsen, P.A., a leading food safety law firm. The firm represents food poisoning victims throughout the United States.  Our publisher is Fred Pritzker, senior partner at PritzkerOlsen, P.A.

MSU’s Food Fraud Initiative is an interdisciplinary research, education, and outreach organization. We focus on all types of fraud that can contribute to public health and economic vulnerabilities and threats. These include adulteration, misbranding, tampering, overruns or licensee fraud, theft, diversion, simulation, and counterfeiting.

This initiative is based on a wide range of research, education, and outreach activities led by Dr. John Spink. This site showcases his work as well as that of a wide range of co-authors and co-researchers who have contributed greatly to different aspects of Food Fraud.

The IFSQN was founded in 2003 to provide food safety practitioners with an online platform for sharing knowledge and information and to enable collaboration on the effective implementation, operation and continual improvement of food safety management systems. Ten years on this remains our primary goal.

Our discussion forums are unique and unrivaled anywhere in the world; with over 26,000 members creating an archive of over 60,000 posts as well as 1’000’s of files and documents to assist members old and new.

We are a one-of-a-kind nonprofit that brings together public and private sectors to support health and food safety educators by making their work more visible, collaborative, and effective. The Partnership works with an active network of 14,000 health and food safety educators, providing them with tools they can use to educate people about protecting their health through safe food handling and hygiene.  Sign up here to join this network of BAC Fighters! is a daily online news service available as a free-access website and provides daily and weekly newsletters to subscribers.

 The service seeks out news stories and data of value to decision-makers in food and beverage development in Europe.

The team is led by award-winning journalists. They scan all available scientific, technical and industry sources and search out previously unpublished material, primary data and expert opinions in all areas of significance to the target audience.

Food Safety Magazine is the source for science-based solutions for food safety and quality professionals worldwide. is where Drs. Powell, Chapman, Hubbell and assorted food safety friends offer evidence-based opinions on current food safety issues. Opinions must be evidence-based – with references – reliable and relevant. The barfblog authors edit each other, often viciously.

National Food Protection Collaboratory (Linkedin)

On this blog we share food safety and food defense information. Recently, we added a subgroup to the National Food Protection Collaboratory blog that deals with food fraud. That blog is called Food Fraudster. The information that is posted at both of these blogs are diligently selected from hundreds of pieces of information and we blog on a daily basis. If you have just joined the National Food Protection Collaboratory blog please consider joining the Food Fraudster blog as well. The information posted on both these blogs will provide a food professional with all the information necessary to keep informed on food protection issues. is a daily online news service available as a free-access website and provides daily and weekly newsletters to subscribers.

The service seeks out news stories and data of value to decision-makers in food and beverage development in Europe.

The team is led by award-winning journalists. They scan all available scientific, technical and industry sources and search out previously unpublished material, primary data and expert opinions in all areas of significance to the target audience.


4 thoughts on

Links internacionais com muuuito sobre segurança de alimentos

  • isabel silveira

    Olá Juliane, como vc vai?

    Que bacana de sua parte disponibilizar estas dicas.
    Mais uma razão, entre inúmeras, para respeitar cada vez mais este Blog…

    Um abraço!


    • Marcelo Garcia

      Obrigada pelas palavras de incentivo e fica sempre o convite para que vocês participem sugerindo temas e também compartilhando conteúdo.
      Um abraço,

  • Vitor Teixeira


    Seu trabalho é Admirável!!!
    Quase que diariamente visito o blog
    A cada leitura, me supreendo com a qualidade do contueúdo! Utilizo bastante as informações disponibilizadas em minha rotina profissional, e compartilhando o riquissimo conteúdo do blog com os meus alunos.

    Parabéns pela competência e profissionalismo!

    Forte Abraço,


    • Marcelo Garcia

      É muito gratificante ter este retorno. Um dia vamos conversar sobre compartilhar também suas experiências como professor!

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Food Safety Brazil Org

CNPJ: 22.335.091.0001-59

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