Food Safety Americas – BRC oferecerá conferência em Tampa, Florida

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Um evento denso e com tópicos que respondem as dúvidas mais relevantes para quem tem que implementar ou manter um sistema de gestão BRC.

Um público formado por interessados da cadeia produtiva de alimentos, ávido por trocar experiências e incrementar a rede de relacionamento em uma agenda social cuidadosamente planejada.

Palestrantes especializadíssimos no tema e com muito a dividir.

Este é o perfil da conferência BRC Food Safety Americas, que acontecerá em Tampa, EUA, nos dias 06 e 07 de abril de 2016.


07.30 Conference Registration & Coffee
08.30 Chairman’s Opening RemarksGordon Hayburn, Director of Food Safety, TROPHY FOODS INC
08.45 Quantitative Risk Assessment
Putting theory into practiceDr Don Schaffner, Extension Specialist in Food Science and Professor, RUTGERS UNIVERSITY
09.30 Sanitation for Dry Food Premises
Examining the main challenges for sanitation in dry food processing environmentsDr Linda Harris Ph.D., CE Specialist-Food Safety, Microbiology, Department of Food Science and Technology,UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS
10.15 Morning Refreshments
10.45 Produce Safety Concerns
Identifying where emerging risks lieDr Michelle Danyluk, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, Food Microbiology, UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA
 11.30 Training- Examining competency issues and assessing effectiveness

Dr Ben Chapman, Associate Professor, Food Safety Specialist, NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY
12.15 Lunch
13.15 Session tbc
13.45 Internal Audit for FSMS

Andrew Clarke, Director of Certification and Audit, Food Safety, MAPLE LEAF FOODS
14.15 CASE STUDY Implementing a FSMS

Wendy Wade White, Director of Corporate Quality Systems & Food Safety, GOLDEN STATE FOODS
14.45 Afternoon Refreshments
15.15 CASE STUDY Leveraging the BRC Standard to Develop and Drive the Culture within an Organization
Examining how a small/medium sized enterprise used BRC to grow and strengthen their food safety and overall corporate culture through implementation and continuous improvement.Mike Fata, CEO & Co-Founder, MANITOBA HARVEST HEMP FOODS
15.45 Food Safety Culture
Driving food safety standards throughout the entire supply chainFrank Yiannas, Vice President – Food Safety, WALMART
Chairman’s Summary and closing comments
 19.00  Yacht StarShip Cruise – Dinner & Entertainment


08.00 Exhibition & Coffee
08.30 Chairman’s Welcome John Kukoly, Director Americas, BRC GLOBAL STANDARDS




Regulatory Update
Joann Givens, Director, Office of Food and Feed Operations, Office of Regulatory Affairs, FDA
Ensuring Compliance with FSMA
Outlining a recommended action plan for sites using BRC as a pathway to supporting FSMA requirements

CASE STUDY: Final Rule Implementation

Speaker tbcQ&A Panel
10.05 Morning Refreshments
10.35 BRC Issue 7- Outcome of the First Year

David Brackston, Technical Director, BRC GLOBAL STANDARDS
 11.05 CASE STUDY: Practical Implementation of BRC Issue 7
Examining the benefits and struggles of implementing these guidelines in a smaller companyLiz Marschall Alexius, Quality Compliance & Regulatory Specialist, COMMUNITY COFFEE COMPANY
11.35 Introducing the BRC Global Standard for Retail John Kukoly, Director Americas, BRC GLOBAL STANDARDS
12.00 Lunch
13.00 PANEL: Packaging and Labelling Compliance

Panellists tbc
13.45 CASE STUDY: Recall Management
Examining the process, implications and outcome of a company that’s undergone a major recallDan Hamill, Sr. Director of Quality, Regulatory and Food Safety, NEWLY WEDS FOODS
Patrick Sanchez, Global Quality & Food Safety Manager, NEWLY WEDS FOODS
14.10 Afternoon Refreshments


TOPIC FOCUS: Food FraudThe Role of Technology in Detecting Food Fraud
Douglas C. Moyer, PhD, CPP, FOOD FRAUD INITIATIVE, MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITYDefense Strategies against Getting Prosecuted for Food Fraud
Speaker tbc

Q&A Panel

15.45-16.00 Chairman’s Summary and Close of Conference
16:15  METTLER TOLEDO Site visit

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Food Safety Brazil Org

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