Curso Desenho Sanitário de Equipamentos para processamento de Alimentos

2 min leitura

Não foram poucos os surtos causados por falha na higienização de um equipamento, ocasionada por dificuldade de acesso e falha no projeto sanitário.

Pensando em capacitar os profissionais nesta visão, a sbCTA traz de forma pioneira o curso:

 Sanitary design of plant and equipment for food processing

Many countries have food safety regulations that demand that food is produced, stored, processed, packed, transported etc. in such a way that the product, when it reaches the consumer, is safe, thus: hygienically. The regulations, however, do not explain how that can be done. Despite many attempts, with very few exceptions, hygienic design is not integrated in education curricula, at any level. This course provides basic insights in the principles of food safety and hygienic design, covering the most important aspects in enough detail to get an understanding about what is correct and what is wrong in the design and operation of food processing plants. The course starts with explaining the importance of the selection of a site and how to deal with the choice made. Then the design of the building and the design and operation of equipment are discussed, followed by important aspects of legislation, standards and guidelines and certification of compliance with such documents. The course ends with discussing crucial aspects of management in relation to hygienic food processing.

O instrutor é uma das maiores autoridades no assunto:

Huub Lelieveld is President of the Global Harmonization Initiative, Member of the Executive Committee and a Past-President of EFFoST (the European Federation of Food Science and Technology), Founder and Past-President of EHEDG (the European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group). He is a fellow of IAFoST (the International Academy of Food Science and Technology), a fellow of IFT (the Institute of Food Technologists), served on the Governing Council of IUFoST (the International Union of Food Science and Technology) and has been Chair of the Nonthermal Processing Division and the International Division of IFT. At Unilever, he was responsible for hygienic processing and plant design and novel processing technologies. He is lead editor of “Hygiene in food processing”, the “Handbook of hygiene control in the food industry” and “Food preservation by pulsed electric fields: From research to application”. He is co-editor of several other books, including “Ensuring Global Food Safety: Exploring Global Harmonization”, “Hygienic design of food factories” and ”Food safety management: a practical guide for the food industry” (in press).


Local: Sala VIP do ITAL

Data: 06 de setembro

Já falamos sobre esse grupo aqui no blog, bem como seus guias que são referência mundial, confira:

Publicações da EHEDG – desenho sanitário de equipamentos:

Condições especiais para quem for participar do IV Encontro de Profissionais da Garantia da Qualidade.

Inscrições no site da sbCTA.

One thought on

Curso Desenho Sanitário de Equipamentos para processamento de Alimentos

  • Euridce Joeli

    Bom dia!

    Estou a procura de um curso de desenho sanitário, mas estou encontrando dificuldades e localizar um. Identifiquei este curso que foi realizado em setembro e gostaria de saber se existe a precisão de realização de outro ainda este ano ou no primeiro semestre do ano que vem e qual a média de custo do mesmo.

    Grata, desde já.


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Food Safety Brazil Org

CNPJ: 22.335.091.0001-59

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