Bioacumulação de pesticidas e dioxinas em moluscos bivalves

< 1 min leitura

Distinct bioaccumulation profile of pesticides and dioxin-like compounds by
mollusk bivalves reared in polluted and unpolluted tropical bays: Consumption risk and seasonal effect
Petrus Galvão, Bernhard Henkelmann b, Renan Longo, José Lailson-Brito,
João Paulo Machado Torres, Karl-Werner Schramm, Olaf Malm 

Mariculture activity has increased its production along the Atlantic Coast of Brazil over the last years. This
protein source for human consumption may also represent risks due to the exposure to bioaccumulated
contaminants in the tissues of organisms reared in polluted shallow waters. This study evaluated the bioaccumulation
of pesticides and dioxin-like compounds in two commercial marine bivalve species reared
at different sites along the Rio de Janeiro State coast (SE-Brazil). We observed distinct contamination profiles
in bivalve tissues reared at each sampling site, which may be related to human activities historically
developed in those areas. A pronounced tendency for higher contamination levels in animals sampled in
the last month of winter (September) is discussed as being likely due to environmental issues, rather than
biological factors. Based on Minimal Risk Level, Maximum Residue, Acceptable Daily Intake and Toxic
Equivalent, bivalves are classified as safe for human consumption.

Original gentilmente cedido pelo autor, professor João Paulo Machado Torres

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Food Safety Brazil Org

CNPJ: 22.335.091.0001-59

organização sem fins lucrativos

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