Fungos toxigênicos em atmosfera modificada em queijos

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Growth of fungi and mycotoxin production on cheese under modified atmospheres

M.H. Taniwaki, A.D. Hocking b, J.I. Pitt, G.H. Fleet

International Journal of Food Microbiology 68 Ž2001. 125–133

The use of modified atmospheres to prevent fungal growth and mycotoxin production in cheese was evaluated. Eight fungal species: Mucor plumbeus, Fusarium oxysporum, Byssochlamys fulva, B. nivea, Penicillium commune, P. roqueforti, Aspergillus flavus and Eurotium cheÕalieri were inoculated onto cheese and incubated under conditions of decreasing concentrations of O2 5% to -0.5%. and increasing concentrations of CO2 at 20–40%. Fungal growth was measured by colony diameter and ergosterol content. All fungi examined grew in atmospheres containing 20% and 40% CO2 with 1% or 5% O2, but growth was reduced by 20–80%, depending on species, compared with growth in air. The formation of aflatoxins B1 and B2, roquerfortine C and cyclopiazonic acid was greatly decreased but not totally inhibited in these atmospheres. At 20% or 40% CO2 with -0.5% O2, only B. niÕea exhibited growth, which was very slow. Growth of F. oxysporum, B. fulÕa, P. commune and A. flaÕus showed good correlations between colony diameter and ergosterol content.
However, for the other species correlations were inconsistent. 

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Original gentilmente cedido pela autora e pesquisadora do ITAL, Marta Taniwaki ao Blog Food Safety Brazil.

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